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Using Handlers

Handlers are your entrypoint for every interaction starting through a user on Telegram.

In Telepath every Handler is defined with at least one PHP Attribute.


First tell Telepath which directory to scan for the use of handlers.

$bot->discoverPsr4(__DIR__ . '/../Telegram');

Telepath expects the files in this directory to be PSR-4 compliant.

This means that every file represents a single class and the namespace hierarchy matches the directory structure. The base namespace will be discovered automatically.

Define Handlers

All basic types in Telegram have its own Handler and there are a few additional handlers for convenience.

The most common one is a Command. We will use this as an example. It doesn't matter how your class and your methods are organized. The only important thing is, that those methods that have a handler attached are public and receive an \Telepath\Telegram\Update instance.

namespace App\Telegram\Commands;

use Telepath\Handlers\Message\Command;
use Telepath\Telegram\Update;

class Start

public function start(Update $update)


As long as the class shown above can be found inside the path you specified in the discoverPsr4 call this will work.

List of available Handlers

HandlerGets called if the Update contains...
MessageTypemessage of a specified type i. e. a photo or a dice
Textmessage of type text that matches the specified criteria
Commandmessage of type text containing a command
CallbackQueryDatacallback_query including data that matches the specified criteria

Defining your own handler

It's easily possible to create your own Handlers that are responsible for specific types of Updates or specific content.

Create a class that extends Telepath\Handlers\Handler and implements the responsible method. This method gets the bot instance and the incoming Update and returns true, if it feels responsible for this Update.

To define your own handler as Attribute, you need to add the \Attribute attribute to your new class. Give it the corresponding constants to make it target methods and make it repeatable.

In this example we create a handler that reacts only to text messages that contain a greeting like hey, hi or hello.

namespace App\Telegram\Handlers;

use Telepath\Handlers\Handler;
use Telepath\Telegram\Update;
use Telepath\Bot;

#[\Attribute(\Attribute::TARGET_METHOD | \Attribute::IS_REPEATABLE)]
class Greeting extends Handler
public function responsible(Bot $bot, Update $update): bool
if ($update->message?->text === null)
return false;

return preg_match('/hey|hi|hello/i', $update->message->text) === 1;
